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Growing Partnership with Jewish Community in Australia

editor - 21 February 2017

By Christians for Israel International.. Under the inspired leadership of Ian Worby, Christians for Israel Australia is steadily growing. One of the special aspects of this work is our deepening friendship with the Australian Jewish community. Jacqui Bakker is Christians for Israel Australia’s Public Relations Advocate in Sydney, where the largest Jewish community lives (Australia has one of the largest communities of holocaust survivors in the world outside Israel). Jacqui has thrown herself into the task of nurturing friendships with the Sydney Jewish community, and building bridges between Jews and Christians in Australia.

Andrew Tucker, Jacqui Bakker and Isreality Australia leader Matt Thorn were invited to speak at the annual Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) annual conference in Melbourne before Christmas. “This was an enlightening & invigorating experience for us. We felt truly honoured to be included and have grown from the whole experience. We are very aware that – as unique as this has been for us – so too has it been for the Jewish community to have

Christian organisations, such as Christians for Israel, to be included standing in solidarity with the State of Israel. We are so keen for this support to continue and for other Christian organisations to do the same, though we know it all takes time to network to find like-minded people and to further educate and encourage them for this to occur. In the meantime we would like to find ways we can partner together to strengthen the state of Israel by supporting and encouraging the greater Jewish community in Australia,” said Jacqui Bakker.

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