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    Dear Friends,

    An urgent update from the First Home in the Homeland in Eshkol – region by the Gaza strip. We still don't have last official numbers, but three hours ago about 27 shells were fired out to the kibbutzim near the strip. It was around 7 a.m. on May 27, 2018. Schoolchildren from kibbutz Tzeelim were already on the bus, on their way to school when the sirens switched on.  Vladimir, 7 years old, participant of the First Home program, son of a single mother from Lithuania, was one of the children in this bus. Children are shocked, thanks to G-d no one is injured.


    In another kibbutz, Ein Ashlosha, a participant of the program called Irina, made Aliya from Ukraine a year ago, went to open a kindergarten. She works as an assistant of a teacher there. Just after Irina opened a door and fell on the ground, the shell exploded some meters behind her.

    First Home coordinator in Eshkol together with the social worker are driving right now to the families to give them psychological support and if needed bring them out of the kibbutz.

    Update – right now there is a new siren, new barrage going on… please pray!

    If there will be any updates, we'll inform you as quick as possible.

    With gratitude,

    Orly Wolstein First Home in the Homeland Jewish Agency for Israel


First Home in the Homeland – urgent prayer request

editor - 29 May 2018

Dear Friends,

An urgent update from the First Home in the Homeland in Eshkol – region by the Gaza strip. We still don’t have last official numbers, but three hours ago about 27 shells were fired out to the kibbutzim near the strip. It was around 7 a.m. on May 27, 2018. Schoolchildren from kibbutz Tzeelim were already on the bus, on their way to school when the sirens switched on.  Vladimir, 7 years old, participant of the First Home program, son of a single mother from Lithuania, was one of the children in this bus. Children are shocked, thanks to G-d no one is injured.


In another kibbutz, Ein Ashlosha, a participant of the program called Irina, made Aliya from Ukraine a year ago, went to open a kindergarten. She works as an assistant of a teacher there. Just after Irina opened a door and fell on the ground, the shell exploded some meters behind her.

First Home coordinator in Eshkol together with the social worker are driving right now to the families to give them psychological support and if needed bring them out of the kibbutz.

Update – right now there is a new siren, new barrage going on… please pray!

If there will be any updates, we’ll inform you as quick as possible.

With gratitude,

Orly Wolstein
First Home in the Homeland
Jewish Agency for Israel

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