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Update from Ukraine – Gaza Violence

editor - 12 November 2019

Ukraine 02.00 a.m., one of our drivers is preparing for a five-hour drive to Kiev airport with two immigrants (olim). At 7 a.m. the group of fourteen olim that leave from Kiev today receive their tickets from the Jewish Agency and also additional instructions with respect to the many missiles that have been launched from Gaza this morning at mainly the south of Israel. People do look worried, but everyone is determined to go!

Fortunately, Ben Gurion airport is open to all air traffic, but this can change in the coming hours or days if the situation deteriorates. It is also a bit strange for the family from Lugansk who fled for the acts of war in Eastern Ukraine to our shelter in Kiev in anticipation of approval of their travel documents, so they can leave for good.

Nevertheless, we also receive many messages from Jewish families whom we have helped in the past, from their air raid shelters somewhere in Israel that they understand this situation and that Israel will do anything to protect their citizens.

Pray that new olim will feel safe in Israel because the Lord is their shield.More Till the end of the year Israel expects another 5,000 new immigrants (olim) from the four corners of the earth and we are convinced that practically no one will delay his one-off journey because of the upsurge of violence from Gaza.

At the end of this month we plan a large meeting in collaboration with the Israeli consulate in Eastern Ukraine to give all the details, advice and answer questions of the families who want to know more about leaving for good to Israel what it takes to do so.

The situation is tense and uncertain, however when one reads the many verses from the Bible about the return then you know that Israel of all places is the hiding place for His people. Read for instance Psalm 27. Even when Israel’s enemies try to destroy this tiny country the answer of the Almighty is that He will continue to rebuild the Land. Tonight, another fifteen immigrants will leave for Israel from Dnepr in Eastern Ukraine…

 “The Lord builds up Jerusalem; He gathers the exiles of Israel.”

– Psalm 147:2


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