• - A man who was imprisoned by the Soviet regime for 9 years, half that time in solitary confinement has advice for all of us as we face the Coronavirus crisis. Natan Sharansky, past chairman of The Jewish Agency for Israel, was imprisoned for his work as a Zionist and human rights activist in the U.S.S.R. You can imagine he knows a thing or two about how to get through long bouts of isolation. As the world goes into lock-down mode to fight the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic, Sharansky's advice is helpful and inspiring.

Natan Sharansky’s Tips for Quarantine

editor - 27 March 2020

A man who was imprisoned by the Soviet regime for 9 years, half that time in solitary confinement has advice for all of us as we face the Coronavirus crisis. Natan Sharansky, past chairman of The Jewish Agency for Israel, was imprisoned for his work as a Zionist and human rights activist in the U.S.S.R. You can imagine he knows a thing or two about how to get through long bouts of isolation. As the world goes into lock-down mode to fight the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic, Sharansky’s advice is helpful and inspiring.

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