
Webinar 24 November – Providing help in times of need

editor - 17 November 2020

Christians for Israel organizes a Webinar about our work in Ukraine on
24 November 2020

  • Comforting the last Holocaust survivors in Ukraine – what does it look like – Anemone Rüger
  • ‘Fear not’: Aliyah during the corona pandemic – Koen Carlier


10:00 – 11:30 AM • CET

5:00- 6:30 PM • SGT

8:00 – 9:30 PM • AEST

10:00- 11:30 PM •NZST


Register in advance for this webinar:



Please note: If you cannot attend the Webinar live, please do register. You will be provided with the link to the Webinar a day after the event takes place.


About the speakers: 


Koen Carlier was born and raised in Brugge (Belgium). After accomplishing his military service, he worked in the family (food) business. From 1994 – 2000, Koen served in Ukraine as a volunteer bus driver, providing transport for Jewish people who wanted to make Aliyah. In 2000, he returned to Belgium to join the family business again. Together with two friends, he founded Christians for Israel Belgium. By request of Christians for Israel Netherlands, he returned to Ukraine in 2003 (for a few months) to investigate possible improvements for the Aliyah work. In 2004, he was asked to lead the Aliyah work in Ukraine and founded Christians for Israel Ukraine.

At present, Koen and his team of 15 people, are helping the many small Jewish communities in Ukraine. The main focus of the work is Aliyah and providing support and comfort (including food parcels) to the many Jewish communities. Koen is married to Ira and together they have three children.


Anemone Rüger, born in the Eastern German city of Chemnitz, has worked in public communication and project management for many years. A graduate of Heidelberg University’s Interpreting Faculty, she has worked in public affairs at several US bases, managing German-American relations in Wiesbaden for a decade. Driven by a passionate interest in German-Jewish history, she has spent several years abroad working with Jewish communities in Israel and Ukraine, eventually researching her own family history in Poland.

Since 2017 Anemone has been working with Christians for Israel building up a sponsorship program for impoverished Holocaust survivors and Jewish elderly in Ukraine. She facilitates international group visits to Ukraine and serves as an author and speaker to build bridges between Jews and Gentiles. Hear and see more about how God’s love is touching the hearts of Jewish survivors through our humble service in Ukraine during the upcoming webinar with Anemone.



About the Author