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Help Ukranian Jews survive the winter

editor - 3 December 2020

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Help Ukranian Jews Survive the Winter

As the days in the northern hemisphere are getting shorter, winter is not very far away in Ukraine. That means that temperatures will drop and roads and streets become impassable. For the poor Jewish population, amongst whom a large number of Holocaust survivors, winter is always a lonely and challenging period.

A positive note in their existence are the food parcels they receive. These parcels are much needed to survive. According to Koen Carlier, Ukraine will almost certainly get a second lockdown. The number of COVID-19 contaminations increases daily with at least ten thousand, causing many elderly people waiting anxiously at home in isolation of what is to come.

Koen: “We get a lot of telephone calls from Jewish elderly people with pneumonia from their homes. They ask us if we can bring the food parcels to the doorsteps of their small flats. We will have to deliver more food parcels in people’s homes anyway because the elderly people rarely go out. Our visits, while delivering the parcels, will be even more important.

And we always give a testimony of God’s faithfulness to His people Israel and about the promises He makes in His Word about the return of the Jewish people to Israel!”

40,000 Food Parcels Needed
In the coming months, our team will visit 150 towns to deliver 40,000 food parcels. Each food parcel weighs some eleven kilos. Koen: “We are going to deploy more local volunteers, and we already have a list with fifty of them who can be deployed in different areas. It is a plus too that we can have deliveries made and pack food parcels in five different places so that the handing out of the parcels will take less time. However, we think that we will receive more requests. It is a huge job, but if many do their bit, we can achieve this goal.”

Ala needs your help!
One of the persons we will help this winter is Ala (80-years old). She grew up as an orphan after the Nazis murdered her parents. Later in life, she lost her husband and five children; four of them passed away at a very young age. “I trust in God, it is good to be near Him”, says Ala. Her hands feel ice cold, but she says she’s doing fine. The food parcels we bring her help her get through the cold winter.


Will You Help?

Will you help to feed Jewish elderly people in need? Donate one or more food parcels. A food parcel costs US$ 11 | € 10.
Thank you in advance on their behalf!


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