• A map showing reports following a 6.6-magnitude earthquake in Cyprus on Jan 11, 2022. Source: European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre.

Cyprus earthquake shakes Israel

JNS - 11 January 2022

The 6.6-magnitude tremor was felt from Beersheva to Nahariya, according to the Israel Police.

(JNS) An earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale struck Cyprus early on Tuesday morning and was felt throughout much of Israel, according to the Israel Police.

Police reported receiving dozens of calls from concerned citizens throughout the country, from Beersheva in the south to Nahariya in the north. No injuries or damage were reported.

ā€œThe earthquake shook the bed for about a minute,ā€ one Jerusalem resident told Israelā€™s Channel 12 News. Another Jerusalem resident told the Hebrew website Ynet that ā€œour building shook.ā€

The Paris-based European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) tweeted shortly after the incident, providing a map of the quakeā€™s impact.

The quakeā€™s magnitude was listed on the EMSC website as 6.6.

Earthquakes are not uncommon in the region. According to the Geological Society of Israel, which tracks quakes felt in the country, there were 30 earthquakes felt by Israel between Nov. 30 and Jan. 11.


Article first published on JNS.org, published with permission.


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