SOS Ukraine

Help Ukraine

editor - 2 March 2022

Christians for Israel has set up an emergency fund to help the Jewish community of Ukraine: with food, emergency shelter and evacuation to Israel. Especially now, it is important to stand with them. Therefore, we urge you to support this emergency fund generously.


ā€œCome! Come! Flee from the land of the north,ā€ declares the LORD, ā€œfor I have scattered you to the four winds of heaven,ā€ declares the LORDā€ (Zechariah 2:6)

Donate in ā‚¬

Donate in US $

Bank transfer
Account holder: Christians for Israel International
EURO ā‚¬ Account: NL 57 ABNA 05245.05.209
USD $ Account No: NL 12 ABNA 06275.15.460
Bank: ABN-AMRO Bank, Nijkerk, The NetherlandsBIC/Swift code : A B N A N L 2 AChristians for Israel International
P.O. Box 1100
3860 BC Nijkerk
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-33-4220405