
Salomé’s Run for Life

editor - 10 February 2022

Finally, the day had come. On Friday, 4 February at 6am, Salomé was ready to run the Dead Sea Marathon. Despite the early hour and the strong wind, she managed to run the 42.195 km in 3 hours and 32 minutes and took 2nd place in the women’s division!

Salomé is a 24-year-old nurse from the Netherlands. She is the daughter of Roger van Oordt, Honorary Consul of Israel in the Netherlands. Salomé’s goal was to raise € 13,000 for the children of ADI together with Isreality Netherlands. ADI (formerly known as ‘Aleh’) is an organisation that takes care of children with severe multiple disabilities, both cognitively and physically. She more than succeeded: the total amount that was raised was € 22.683

! The funds will be used to purchase much needed rehabilitative equipment.

Salomé: “As far back as I can remember, my family has been involved with helping Israel. I love the diversity, that different cultures can live together. As a nurse, ADI is a cause that is close to my heart.”

After her success at the Dead Sea, Salomé was invited by i24 News Network to talk about her experience. Watch the video to see part of this interview!
