
C4I Prayer Calendar April/May available!

editor - 29 March 2022

In recent years, the driving force behind the return of the Jews (from the tribe of Manasseh) from India to Israel has been Israeli resident Michael Freund. Several years ago he read Isaiah 43 verse 5, “Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west.” Freund says, “This verse is about a new phase in the expectation of the Messiah’s coming. These are the words of the Lord God, true words for our time, in the here and now.”

The aliyah, the return to the Promised Land, has continued all throughout the past 120 years. The Second World War could not stop it; neither could communism, local wars, regional wars, or the Gulf War and neither can Russia’s war with Ukraine. Sometimes when the olim (new immigrants) arrived at Ben Gurion Airport they received a gasmask, bulletproof vest or face mask in addition to their new passport, depending on the current threats or circumstances. They were also welcomed by the words of the Lord God, “Do not be afraid, for I am with you.”

Pray especially for the work of C4I Aliyah worker Koen Carlier and his team in Ukraine. Now that war has broken out, many Jews want to leave for Israel, and Koen’s team is working around the clock. Give thanks for all the work the team has been able to do and how they experience God’s provision. Pray for the protection of the team, blessing on the work and pray that God will provide open doors for Jews to return to Israel. (read our latest updates here:

How wonderful it is that every Jew who steps off the plane or crosses the gangplank into Israel is a sign of the Messiah’s coming. As Christians who provide practical support to the aliyah through prayer, let us read, trust and act on the words of the prophet Isaiah together with the Jewish people. “Do not be afraid! I [the Lord] will do it!”


C4I International Prayer Team