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Christians for Israel: ‘We unconditionally stand with Israel’

editor - 21 February 2025

We are deeply saddened and shocked by the cruel and inhumane way in which Hamas seeks to kill as many Jews as possible—using the most horrific methods. There are no words to describe the sorrow and pain caused by these atrocious acts against the Jewish people.

We mourn with all of Israel for the Bibas family, for Oded Lifschitz, and for all Jews who have been persecuted and murdered by Hamas and its accomplices.

We cry out to the God of Israel to save His precious people from these relentless attacks on their very existence. In Exodus 3:7-8, the Almighty says to Moses: ‘I have seen the misery of My people (…). So I have come down to rescue them.’

Together with the Chief Rabbi of the IDF, we pray Psalm 83 – that the nations, and even the enemies of Israel, may know that the Mighty One of Israel will judge those who oppose Him and seek to destroy His people. He neither slumbers nor sleeps. Israel will prevail.

Am Yisrael Chai.

Christians for Israel will stand with you in these dark times. May shalom, peace, and righteousness flow from Zion.

On behalf of our affiliates in more than 40 countries: we will never waver in our commitment to stand with Israel.

Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer – President Christians for Israel International
Leon Meijer _ Chairman Christians for Israel International
Rev. Cornelis Kant – Executive Director Christians for Israel International