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New Israel Centre at Nijkerk – The Netherlands opened to the public

editor - 2 November 2017

By Christians for Israel International.. The Official Opening of the new Israel Centre at Nijkerk in The Netherlands took place on October 26 last. We hope and pray that this building, the people who work there and all activities that are being done in it will be a continuous blessing for Israel and the Jewish people. The following videos and photographs provide an impression of the events during the opening.

Guest speakers at the opening were Mayor Renkema of the city of Nijkerk, the Israeli Ambassador to The Netherlands Aviv Shir-onIsraeli Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Tzipi Hotovely (via video), Shraga Evers from Aleh Jerusalemgroup leader of the Dutch SGP party Kees van der StaaijRev Willem J.J. GlashouwerFreddy Hollander chairman of the Dutch based “Collectieve Israël Actie” and Chief Rabbi of the Netherlands Binyomin Jacobs.

From the left: Freddy Hollander chairman of the Dutch based
“Collectieve Israël Actie”, Israeli Ambassador to The Netherlands Aviv Shir-on,
Christians for Israel Chairman Pim van der Hoff and Chief Rabbi of the
Netherlands Binyomin Jacobs | Photo credit: Henk Visser (RD)

Watch some more photographs below.

The extended version (below) contains the full speeches of the Israeli Ambassador to The Netherlands Aviv Shir-on and Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer.

Official Opening Israel Centre Nijkerk (short version)


Official Opening Israel Centre Nijkerk (extended version)


Israeli Ambassador Aviv Shir-On, Christians for Israel Chairman
Pim van der Hoff and SGP Chairman Kees van der Staaij | Photo credit
Henriette Heuvelman


Mayor Renkema of Nijkerk and Chief Rabbi Jacobs and wife | Photo
credit: Henriette Heuvelman


Presenting the gift from the Jewish community for the new Israel Centre |
Photo credit: Henk Visser (RD)


Mayor Gerard Renkema from Nijkerk | Photo credit: Henriette


Israeli Ambassador to The Netherlands Aviv Shir-on | Photo credit:
Henriette Heuvelman


Shraga Evers from Aleh presenting gift to Chair man Pim van der Hoff |
Photo credit: Henriette Heuvelman


Rev Willem J.J. Glashouwer, president Christians for Israel international |
Foto credit: Henriette Heuvelman
Rev Glashouwer reflected on the return of the Jews to the Promised Land.
“We live in exiting times. The Jews return to their Land and to Jerusalem.
The future will be incredible. The nations wil send their ambassadors to


Chief Rabbi of the Netherlands Binyomin Jacobs | Photo credit:
Henriette Heuvelman


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