• Three times good news from wintry Ukraine | Photo: Christians for Israel
Support Food Parcels

Three times good news from Ukraine

Koen Carlier - 15 December 2021

Three times good news. How is that possible? Yes, I sometimes wonder about that too!

The first good news is that this week a shipment of 17,000 kilos of food stuffs was delivered that we have to pack and hand out as fast as possible. The 1,500 packed food parcels are this time mainly destined for the southern and northern part of Ukraine, in the vicinity of the Russian border.

Food products at our warehouse in Vinnitsa | Photo: Christians for Israel

The food parcels are distributed in two ways. We either deliver hem at the homes of the poor Jewish elderly or at a central distribution point, organized by local Jewish leaders, where the food parcels can be collected.

Highly critical situation
By the end of next week a new shipment of 17,000 kilograms arrives, destined for the Jewish elderly in Odessa. This year’s final shipment is delivered on December 23. We have received many requests – the situation is highly critical  – but with many dedicated volunteers and drivers we should be able to get everything packed and distributed.

“That you think of us during these cold days is like honey to our hearts”

Buying food products locally, destined for Eastern Ukraine (in and near the war zone) went quite well, given the circumstances.

During the handing out of the food parcels we often hear: “That you think of us during these cold days is like honey to our hearts”.

The second good news is that at the beginning of this week we were introduced to and met with the new Israeli Ambassador Michael Brodsky, at his invitation. He thanked us for everything Christians for Israel is doing for the Jewish communities in Ukraine, but also for helping the Jewish families with their return to Israel.

He was fascinated by the historical anniversary flight to Israel of September 14, 2021.

Then it became silent for a while, when he told us something about his grandmother Anna Rotfort. As a young 20-year-old girl Anna survived the Pechora deathcamp. This camp and a Jewish mass grave where thousands of Jews are buried, are located 50 kilometers away from my hometown Vinnitsa. Ambassador Brodsky plans a visit next year, because he wants to see the village where his grandmother has lived and visit Pechora and Vinnitsa. By the way, his grandmother made aliyah at the beginning of the nineties. Finally the ambassador said: If we can do anything for you: please let us know.

Visiting ambassador Brodsky of Israel (second left) | Photo: Christians for Israel

“The return of the Jewish people to Israel continues unabatedly”

The third good news is that the return of the Jewish people to Israel continues unabatedly. Last Wednesday and Thursday quite a number of families left from Ukraine to the Promised Land for good.

Snow and black ice
We have deployed two additional drivers, although winter is not the ideal time to be trained. One of the drivers had to deal with have snow when collecting Jewish families from a village near the Rumanian border. The other driver nearly missed the flight due to black  ice in major parts of the country, resulting in numerous accidents. Near Chernigov a dreadful accident had happened between a minibus and a lorry, with so far thirteen casualties

We also have a list of backup drivers with their own minibuses. That can be quite useful in case of emergency!

Snow and black ice in wintry Ukraine | Photo: Christians for Israel

The Jewish families who came from very far spent the night in our shelter. The young families with children will integrate in Israel in a kibbutz thanks to the program of First Home in the Homeland.

We will continue assisting the aliyah in cooperation with the Jewish Agency with whom we have been working together in a practical way, for 25 years already. We are determined to continue with this, even when dark clouds appear on the horizon in the Northern Land.

Jewish families about to make aliyah | Photo: Christians for Israel

“Do we have a plan should another escalation arise? Yes, we have: with God’s help we stay to help and comfort!”

We will not speculate too much and about a possible escalation a lot has been written lately. More and more international media are picking up on the tensions between Ukraine and Russia. Do we have a plan should another escalation arise? Yes, we have: with God’s help we stay to help and comfort!

“Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up an ensign for the peoples.” Isaiah 62:10

The food parcels are regularly distributed among Holocaust survivors, poor families, Jewish refugees, children and the sick. A food parcel is more than a bag of food. It’s a sign of your friendship and your support, a testimony to our Jewish brothers and sisters that they are not alone.

Will you help?
The cost of one food parcel is 10 euros or 11 US $. For this amount we buy wholesale products. The parcels are packed by volunteers and distributed throughout Ukraine. Will you help with one or more food parcels? Your support is desperately needed!

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