Journal Israel and the Church: Jesus and Israel
One of the most important questions in understanding the place of Israel (both the Jewish people and the land) is that of the relation of Jesus and Israel. Obviously, He was born a Jew and the New Testament proclaims Him as the Messiah of Israel. But seemingly, the leaders of Israel had rejected Him as such. And the majority of the Jewish people lived on without any consciousness of Him. In later times, the relations between the early church and rabbinic Judaism became strained in such a way that it caused Jesus to be an apparent stranger to His own people. In this edition we cover the subject of the presence of Jesus with His people in the time of the Bible and after His resurrection and ascension.
Israel and the Church
Israel and the Church is a journal for biblical and theological reflections concerning Israel and the Church in Godâs plan for this world in the light of His coming Kingdom.
Israel and the Church is a journal for biblical and theological reflections concerning Israel and the Church in Godâs plan for this world in the light of His coming Kingdom.