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Webinar on Rosh HaShana – September 2nd

editor - 31 August 2021
Rosh HaShana :
‘Accepting God`s Kingship – Celebration of the birth of humanity’

In a time where science and materialism has sidelined faith, Rosh Hashanah allows humanity to reflect on how we, Jews and Christians, can bring God back into the world.

This webinar took place on 2 September 2021:

About the speaker:

A Bible commentator and op-ed contributor both Charisma, The Jerusalem Post and Times of Israel, David Nekrutman currently serves as the Executive Director for The Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding & Cooperation (CJCUC) in Jerusalem, Israel. In this capacity, Mr. Nekrutman is breaking new ground in leading the first ever Orthodox Jewish institution to dialogue with Christians on a religious and theological basis.



