
Impressive Holocaust Remembrance in Switzerland

editor - 13 February 2019

About one hundred people visited the impressive Holocaust Remembrance Day event ‘Remembering & Learning’ of Christians for Israel (C4I) Switzerland on the 27th of January, 2019.  Speakers were Rev Cornelis Kant (Director C4I International), Shlomo Graber and Carl J. Flesch, both Holocaust survivors from Basel, and Philip van den Berg (President C4I Switzerland). 

Those present came together for this event to remember the past and for learning lessons for the future. Rev Kant explained: “When you look at history you will find that the process of persecutions of the Jewish people is the same: Jews are treated badly, they are persecuted and expelled. What happened during the Nazi regime was not new, but the continuation of a process that was already there for hundreds of years.”

According to Philip van den Berg learning from the past means actively passing on the memory. To this end, Shlomo Graber and Carl Flesch both shared their life stories. They revealed what the “Final Solution to the Jewish Question” meant for them personally.

Rev Kant called attention to the rise of anti-Semitic incidents in Europe, as well as criticism of the land, state and people of Israel. “As Christians we have an obligation to reject inaccurate criticism of Israel. We must acknowledge that the Jewish people may rightfully live in the land of Israel.”

During the breaks everyone present at the event could participate in the social media campaign #WeRemember. Remembering the Holocaust is essential because anti-Semitism and hatred are increasing worldwide.


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