
Visit ‘Down Under’

editor - 15 August 2019

After being the director of Christians for Israel International for a year, it was high time to visit our Australian team. It was heartwarming to meet all the volunteers at the office in Springwood (Brisbane) and see their dedication to the ministry.

In the studio of Vision Radio, I had an interview about Christians for Israel with Matt Prater, an enthusiastic radio presenter with humour. Listeners could call the Vision studio to ask questions. Many of them did and asked questions like: “Will the Temple literally be rebuilt in the future?”, or “Do we as Christians have to obey the Old Testament law?”

In Sydney, I had a meeting under the leadership of Pastor Paul Kim, and we had a profound conversation about the genesis of replacement theology in church history. “What is the spiritual significance in our times of Christians so divided about Israel’s place in God’s plan and our Christian faith?” This was a question one of them asked us, which touched us all. We agreed about the huge importance of spreading the message about Israel in our churches.

In Melbourne, Pastor Enoch Lavender and I spoke at the Shalom Israel Conference. What a blessing when you witness and discover the evidence of Israel being a Sign of the Times according to the prophetic Word of God in both the Old and New Testaments. “Israel and Christians Today is the best newspaper about Israel I’ve ever seen”, a woman told me during a coffee break of the conference. How impressive. For us, the newspaper is so familiar. Let us hope and pray God may bless the spreading of the newspaper in Australia, so that many people may be inspired and encouraged.

I was invited by Pastor Phil Mercer to preach about Israel in the Trinity Presbyterian Church. I told the visitors about our wonderful experience in the Solomon Islands, where we inaugurated a new Christians for Israel team (see Ian Worby’s article above). After the church service, three elderly people told me: “Long ago our father was a missionary on the Solomon Islands and they were challenging times.” How wonderful, because now we could witness how blessed their work has been.

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