
Weekly Update: Jerusalem

editor - 10 July 2020

The big issue in Israel at the moment is the Corona virus. Faced with a record number of new cases, and spiraling economy, the government faces a huge challenge to contain the virus while restoring public confidence.

Another major threat to Israel remains the International Criminal Court, which is due to decide any day now whether or not to give the Prosecutor the green light to prosecute Israeli leaders for the building of “settlements” in Judea and Samaria. This includes the largest “settlement” of them all: the Old City of Jerusalem and its surroundings.

The question of “annexation” seems to have taken a back seat for the time being. But it is still possible the government will proceed with its plans to apply Israeli law to other parts of the ‘West Bank’. If that happens, it is sure to cause enormous outrage. But it is highly questionable whether it will cause the violence that many seem to fear.

All things point to Jerusalem. The battle for Jerusalem that we are witnessing is perhaps the most important sign of our times. Jerusalem is the place where the nations rise against the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is the place where Israel too will be tested for her faith. And it is the place where Messiah will come to judge the nations.

Let us continue to be alert – to look for the coming of Messiah, to pray for the Jewish people and the peace of Jerusalem. There is nothing that needs to happen before He comes. Our calling is to be ready.

Shabbat shalom,

Andrew Tucker
Editor-in-Chief – Israel & Christians Today


Israel faces a new outbreak of the virus. Netanyahu was praised for his initial handling of the Corona virus. But the new government is heavily criticized for re-opening the economy too early. According to David Horovitz, “Israel reopened too rapidly in late May, without the necessary strategic plan to prevent this unprecedented surge in contagion.” Read more..


Former Israeli diplomat Yoram Ettinger writes: The suggestion that the application of the Israeli law to the Jordan Valley and parts of Judea and Samaria would severely undermine Israeli interests, jeopardize Israel’s peace treaties with Jordan and Egypt and Israel’s overall ties with Arab countries, is divorced from the Israeli track record and Middle East reality. Read more..

Israel and international law

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is likely to hand down its ruling soon concerning the “situation on Palestine”. The question the Court has to decide: is “Palestine” a State? If so, then the Prosecutor has the power to investigate and possibly prosecute Israeli leaders for building “settlements” on Palestinian territory. This article gives good insight into the three judges who will make this decision. Read more..

International lawyer Dr. Cynthia Day Wallace writes: “I have recently been challenged with the question: ‘Has, for example, a San Remo agreement of 100 years ago a greater weight than the Oslo agreements between the parties involved?’ The quick and easy answer is: Yes, it has.” Read more..

The Jewish people continue to come home

Anna Klechenova reports from Israel: “Immigration is always a difficult decision. What drives people who decide to immigrate not with one or two, but with four children? Among our olim there are such people. This is the Frenkel family: Dmitry, Irina and their children.” Read more..

“Old and New Testament” – Video teachings by Cornelis Kant  

These two video clips are about a supposed contradiction between Old and New Testament. The Old supposedly only speaks about violence and law, however the New speaks about love and peace. Such and other misunderstandings of the relationship between old and new prevent us from understanding the everlasting significance of Israel in our time and in the future.



Scripture for the week: Matthew 23:37-39

37 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.

38 Look, your house is left to you desolate.

39 For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’”


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