Speakers at CFI UK Annual Conference 2017
Christians for Israel International President Rev. Willem Glashouwer and Executive Director Andrew Tucker were invited as keynote speakers at the Annual Conference hosted by Christian Friends of Israel UK in Eastbourne on 22-23 September 2017, attended by about 200 people. This conference was a wonderful time of fellowship, praise and teaching. We are thankful to CFI UK Director Jacob Vince for allowing us to be part of this event.

Jacob Vince praying for Rev Willem Glashouwer
At the opening of the conference on the Friday evening, Oxford scholar Dr James Patrick gave a fascinating presentation on the history of Britain, the church and the Jewish people. He clearly demonstrated that throughout Britain’s history, while there has always been strong anti- Semitism, there have also been strong advocates of Christian Philosemitism (love for the Jewish people).
In two sessions on Saturday 23 September, Rev. Glashouwer eloquently explained the Biblical concept of the Kingdom of heaven. It is a tragedy that the church has lost the first love of the return of Jesus Christ. In his powerful presentations, he elucidated the Biblical truths about the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth, under the reign of Jesus Christ as Messiah when Israel will be the first among the nations, the word of the Lord will go forth from Jerusalem, and God’s will will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Andrew Tucker spoke about the position of Israel under international law. He described the importance of international law from God’s perspective. In Isaiah 2, God reveals how Messiah will judge between the nations and the law shall go forth from Zion. Today, the enemy of God is using the international legal systemto undermine the return of the people to the land. A battle is being waged in the heavenlies that is being mirrored in the political realm on earth. This is ‘the controversy of Zion’. Israel is being challenged on all sides. The BDS movement denies the legitimacy of the State of Israel, and the institutions of the United Nations call incessantly for the division of Jerusalem. The nations need to be given the tools with which to challenge the politically correct notion that Jewish people living in ‘East Jerusalem’ and the ‘West Bank’ are doing so illegally. In fact, international law provides strong grounds for the defending the legality of the Jewish State of Israel, Israel’s reunification of Jerusalem, and the ‘close settlement’ (see article 6 of the Mandate for Palestine) of Jewish people in the land. A new think- tank called ‘The Hague Initiative for International Cooperation’ has been established to provide more information and to help policy-makers make wise decisions on these issues.
Andrew Tucker
Executive Director Christians for Israel International
Legal Counsel to the European Coalition for Israel