First-ever Israel solidarity march in Fiji
By Christians for Israel International.. The key focus of Christians for Israel (C4I) Fiji has been their prayer meetings on the first Friday of every month. Our team in Fiji already sees God opening doors through the power of united prayer. Recently the team of C4I Fiji joined the first-ever Israel solidarity march.
Lepani Makubuna of C4I Fiji is excited about this significant event: “The march was part of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) first Oceania conference held on 24-27 May, 2017 in Suva, Fiji. I was privileged as the National Leader for C4I Fiji to be invited and partake of this conference. C4I Fiji members were also privileged to attend the evening teaching and worship sessions. We all participated in the public prayer meeting that took place outside our government building followed by a solidarity march where the marchers showcased their love for Israel by wearing “I Stand with ISRAEL” T-shirts and waved Israeli flags as they marched and sang throughout the parade. The march climaxed with prayer and worship throughout the day at a central park in the city of Suva.”
Lepani is eager to build the work in Fiji: “While C4I and ICEJ have common grounds but slightly different mandates, it is our desire to see us work together on a united front under one voice for the sake of Israel given our mandate to comfort Israel and the Jewish people. Where there is unity, the LORD commands His blessings!”

Lepani Makubuna (left)