Teach them his decrees and instructions…
By Orly Wolstein.. “Teach them his decrees and instructions, and show them the way they are to live and how they are to behave” (Exodus 18:20). Since the destruction of the Temple, religious Jews have been praying for the return to the Land of Israel. Olim are moving across the world, changing language and culture to become a part of the revived Israel. New waves of aliyah are extremely colourful. Some olim still remember their heritage and connect it with their future. But for many other new immigrants their religious and cultural Jewish background was wiped away by the totalitarian regime in the Soviet countries where they were born and brought up as totally unreligious. Every small detail about their parents’ and grandparents’ religious practice is perceived by them now as their greatest wealth ā go build their identity as Jews and Israelis.
The decision of Christians for Israel to support religious self-awareness of olim is highly important for the First Home in the Homeland. Participants of the First Home become part of the community as from their first day in Israel and can “learn by doing” which was always one of the principals of Judaism.
Six regional councils started to implement a new program of religious education into their absorption process. Olim go to important biblical places, get rabbis’ lectures and celebrate important Jewish feasts. But pictures speak better than words so just see below and check for yourself. Have you already been to all these regions of Israel?
Jordan Valley (North of Israel)

Shlomo Didi ā Chief rabbi of the regional council ā on the Passover celebration in the Jordan Valley

First Sedder Pessah of the Kononiuk family from Kiev, Ukraine
Upper Galilee (North of Israel)

Olim children performing for their parents “Ma Nishtana” ā a traditional song with four questions asked by the smallest child in the family on Passover
Eshkol (South of Israel)

Underground city of King David ā Lecture in Jerusalem

Lighting candles is a task of a woman ā a new holiday starts
Hevel Eilot (South of Israel)

Tu BiShvat appears in the Mishnah in Tractate Rosh Hashanah as one of the four new years in the Jewish calendar, is also called “a new year of trees”.

Olim from Arava went to plant trees in the desert

Up to the Western Wall
Orly Wolstein
‘First Home in the Homeland’ Projectmanager
Jewish Agency for Israel
Please support the First Home in the Homeland – Project.
Any amount is welcome!
Assisting a family in the “First Home” program costs ā¬ 230 euro / US $ 250 a month.
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