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Israel message to Vietnam

editor - 25 January 2018

The Christians for Israel 5th Asia Pacific Training and Leadership Conference was held in Hanoi from 16th to 18th January and in Ho Chi Minh City from 19th to 20th January 2018.

Vietnam is a one-party socialist state. Its population of about 93 million is pre-dominantly Buddhist. Meeting in indigenously-run fellowships, the Protestant population is estimated to be between 1 and 5 per cent of the total population. About 40 percent of Vietnam’s population is below 24 years old. Vietnam is among the fastest growing economies in the world.

Wilson Ng, Regional Director for Christians for Israel Asia, and local coordinators led by Ps Phong Truong organised this conference.

Hunger for God’s Word
There were over 150 participants in the conference in Hanoi, mostly pastors from the capital city and its surrounding regions. This was a much anticipated conference as most of the participants had never heard a message on the significance of Israel from a Biblical perspective. The hunger for understanding God’s truth was palpable from the start to the end of the conference, with no let up in attendance, whether morning or afternoon, and very positive feedback after each session. Even after two and half days with sessions lasting from 8.15 am to 5.15 pm, the conferees did not seem weary and would have loved for more sessions.

Vietnamese sing with vigour and joy. Once, when the worship team led the song “As David danced”, several pastors, men and women danced in delight, including a very elderly man!

Wilson Ng, Reverend Willem Glashouwer and Reverend Kees Kant and local leaders had a very good meeting with the Israeli Ambassador to Vietnam, H.E. Mr Nadav Eshcar, the first morning of the conference. During their absence, C4I Asia regional trainer, Chan Kuen Yoon, took the first two sessions of the conference teaching on a historical journey of the miraculous rebirth of Israel in 1948 and fulfilment of biblical prophecies related to the re-gathering of the Jewish diaspora. For the rest of the conference, Reverend Willem Glashouwer led in the teaching with messages on “Why Israel”, “Why Jerusalem”, “Why End Times” and “Covenants and Kingdoms”. Reverend Kees Kant taught on Replacement Theology, Israel in the Old and New Testaments and “A Miraculous Place of Israel in the Song of Mary”. Pastor Conrado Lumahan preached on “Twelve reasons to stand with the Twelve tribes”. The error of subscribing to Replacement Theology was brought home by these speakers to conferees in no uncertain terms. The theme of threats to Israel’s survival was brought home by Asian regional trainer, Chan Siew Fong, with evidence from the 1948, 1967 and 1973 wars, and a brief on the current security threats facing Israel.


Prayer for Israel
The most awe-inspiring part of the Hanoi conference must be the concluding segment devoted to prayer for Israel. Siew Fong listed four points for prayer: repentance for believing in Replacement Theology, aliyah, physical and spiritual restoration of Israel and the peace of Jerusalem. Twelve leaders among the pastors, representing the twelve tribes of Israel, together with all the rest of the conferees approached the Lord on bended knees and flowing tears, crying out in repentance, thanksgiving and intercession.

This was followed by a prophetic act of building a bridge between Israel and Vietnam with speakers, representing Israel, joining hands with Vietnamese brethren. May this bond between God’s Chosen People, Israel and Gentile believers in Vietnam, expressed in Ruth 1:16 – 17, never be broken!

The book “Why Israel” is already available in Vietnamese. For the message on Israel to cascade to the rest of the Body of Christ in Vietnam, the next step is to translate the study guide and the work book into Vietnamese for pastors to use in their preaching, cell groups or discussion groups. This will be left in the good hands of the local pastors.

The Vietnamese edition of Why Israel


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