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Teachings received with great enthusiasm in Uganda

editor - 22 February 2019

The visit to Uganda in January was, like previous years, amazing! Israel Conferences, organized by Christians for Israel Uganda Board members, Pastors Eddie Mwesigwa and Sarah Mikisa, in four churches, from the capital city of Kampala to the rural place of Hoima at the Congolese Border.

More than 1,500 enthusiastic people, including hundreds of pastors and church leaders, attended the teachings about God’s plan for Israel, the Church and the Nations. In VOSO (Volunteers of Salvation Outreach) Gilgal Church, under leadership of Pastor Sarah Mikisa, alone, we had a full 7-day Israel Conference with a four hours teaching every morning and a teaching of three hours every evening, concluded by a full-day Sunday Worship Service with teachings and Q & A sessions, all surrounded with temperamental African singing, dancing and worshipping.

During the week 230 participants attended the Conference at Voso Gilgal Church and on Sunday 480 participants came.
Pastors from distant areas sometimes travelled two days to be part of the yearly event and slept on the floor side by side for the whole week, not to miss any of the teachings! This astounding spirit and hunger for the Word of God and the love for the Jewish People, one will not easily find in Western civilized nations, but it is found here in Africa!

Visiting remote areas
Hoima is a remote area without any idea what is going on in the world: no television, a newspaper is hardly read. There is no knowledge of the existence of ISIS or the war in Syria, let alone replacement theology or evolution theory, Aliyah and the former Soviet Union’s Iron Curtain.

Thanks to Pastor Eddie, who interpreted from English to the local language, the meaning of these issues was clearly explained and understood. The love for Israel and the factual existence was unknown and the level of knowledge about Israel was very poor in this area, but enthusiastically received. The hunger to learn more was raised and the pastors can teach their flock about Israel of today and God’s Hand in the return to the Promised Land and protection of His Chosen People.
We expect next year’s Israel Conference to be held in a larger venue, and welcome all the attendees to one central place, to get more extended schooling.



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