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The Light of the Menorah to Israel

editor - 10 December 2019

The largest Menorah of Europe reached its final destination in September: in the city of Sderot. It will be officially inaugurated on 17 December, five days before Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights.

Seven years ago, three Dutch entrepreneurs accepted the challenge of Christians for Israel Netherlands and Chief Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs to build the largest menorah in Europe. Just a few weeks later, the twelve-meter-high menorah (an eight-armed Hanukkia) was erected in front of the head office of Christians for Israel, as a sign of solidarity with the Jewish community. It was inaugurated at Hanukkah by Chief Rabbi Jacobs and the then Israeli Ambassador to the Netherlands, H.E. Haim Divon. In the following six years the Menorah travelled to different places in the Netherlands: It stood in the cities of Lelystad, Leeuwarden, Urk, Maastricht and even in front of the Peace Palace in The Hague. Every year many people who love and support Israel came to see the Menorah.

Final Destination
Together with the Jewish Agency for Israel, the leadership of Christians for Israel Netherlands decided about a year ago that it was time to bring the Menorah to a place where it can be seen every day, to a place where it belongs: Israel! Its permanent location is an area that is continuously threatened by terror and rockets from Gaza. The light of the menorah in Sderot serves as an encouragement for the people who have been living with terror attacks for many years. “After unspeakable suffering, the horrors of the Holocaust and the recent attacks on Israel, the Jewish people may feel alone. This is our way of saying you are not alone, we stand with you,” said Arjen Lont, entrepreneur, when the menorah was erected in Sderot in September. The Menorah stands in the middle of a roundabout in a residential area.

Inauguration: 17 December
The Menorah will be inaugurated at nightfall on 17 December in the presence of the Dutch Chief Rabbi, Binyomin Jacobs, the Mayor of Sderot, Alon Davidi, board members of Christians for Israel, Heads of the Jewish Agency for Israel and
 Keren Hayesod, 
as well as 
friends from
 Israel and from
 all over Europe.
“May the light of the Menorah
 brighten the
 lives of the
 people of 
Sderot,” is the
 wish of Roger
 van Oordt,
Executive Director of
 Christians for 
“As Jews and Christians, we want to exalt the God of Israel and spread His light”.

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