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Why Israel? Bible Seminar in Fiji a Success!

editor - 11 April 2018

Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer’s five day visit to Fiji was a tremendous success and all the credit and glory to God and God alone.  We saw the hand of God moved in a mighty and very special way throughout the five days and this we believe were Gods answers to intentional fasting and prayer.

Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer (President Christians for Israel International) and Bryce Turner (Executive Director Christians for Israel New Zealand) arrived on the evening of Friday March 2, 2018. Saturday was a resting and planning day followed by dinner with the Christians For Israel committee and prayer group.

Why Israel? Bible Seminar Banner

Sunday morning  Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer preached at an Assemblies of God Church, namely Central Christian Centre, Nausori. The attendance was overwhelming with around one thousand attendees. The Senior Pastor of this Church, Rev. Pita Cili who also is the current General Secretary of the Assemblies of God in Fiji was overwhelmed with the message which led him to ask the church to give an extra love offering to go towards aliyah in Ukraine.

Sunday evening Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer preached at Wesley City Mission Church within the Capital City Suva with at least 200 attendees.  Based on some of the feedback we received after the service, again the message was an inspiring one and an eye opener to many. By the grace of God, the officiating Pastor that evening who happened to be a translator for the Bible Society of the South Pacific has kindly offered his assistance to translate the “Why Israel?” book into Fijian language. Isn’t God amazing!


Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer preaching Sunday evening at Wesley City Mission Church in Suva


Finally, we had an amazing three days of Bible Seminar on the topic “Why Israel?” at Calvary Temple, another Assemblies of God Church, with an average attendance of between 600 -700 attendants in the first two days and 900+ in the final day. The sessions were from 5.30 to 8.00pm consisting of very exciting praise and worship, profound and deep biblical teaching from Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer followed by some really good quality questions and answers at the end of each sessions.

One of the two pastors from Calvary Temple commented, “very clear messages”….. “We are so glad that you – like us – believe in reliability and trustworthiness and authority of the Bible, the pastors said, from the beginning till the end, from the first page till the last page. And all of this that you are teaching comes from the Bible, so who can oppose to this?”  Another Pastor said, “Now I know from the Scriptures that we are supposed to help the Jews back to Israel.”

“Now I know from the Scriptures that we are supposed to help the Jews back to Israel.”

What a kick start we’ve had !  Not in our wildest dreams we thought that a person of such a high profile as Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer could take the time to visit our shores and bring solid biblical messages to us about Israel. Praise the Lord ! With God, nothing is impossible!

Praise the Lord ! With God, nothing is impossible!

What a confirmation from the Lord that this was the right timing for Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer to come to Fiji and with Gods help we at Christians for Israel Fiji are super excited and geared up to take the work to the next level.

Christians for Israel Fiji Team with Rev Willem J.J. Glashouwer and Bryce Turner



Rev Willem J.J. Glashouwer preaching at Wesley City Mission Church in Suva

Worshippers at Wesley City Mission Church in Suva

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