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Photo report: Return from Ukraine

editor - 17 July 2020

On 12 July, 31 Jews from Ukraine departed from Kiev airport on an evacuation flight to Israel, their home! The olim (immigrants) came from all over Ukraine and some of them had to travel for many hours. Our Aliyah team and the Christian Aliyah Alliance provided transportation and some of the olim stayed in our shelter in Kiev the evening before their departure. Everything went smoothly.

When the new olim arrive in Israel, they are required to spend two weeks in quarantine before they can learn more about their new homeland. However, this did not stop these young adults and families from going. Before the end of July Israel expects more than 300 olim from Ukraine and Russia.

Take a look at the pictures below. (Click on a photo to enlarge).



Photos: Svetlana Soroka / Jewish Agency for Israel

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