
#Aliyah update Ukraine | Koen Carlier

editor - 17 June 2020

Koen Carlier from Ukraine gives an update on the aliyah work of Christians for Israel in Ukraine.

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
~ Isaiah 43:19

In Ukraine, Koen Carlier and his team are assisting Jewish people who want to emigrate to Israel in a very practical way with transportation and arrangement of travel documents. With the current situation in Ukraine, the Jewish people are now listening more than ever to the call to return to Israel – the land of their forefathers.


Support our campaign Bring the Jews Home and help the Jewish people to make Aliyah. For € 135 or US $ 160  we can help one Jewish person to make all the preparations to immigrate to Israel. Of course any amount is welcome.




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