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Prayer for Israel

Prayer Prayer points Pray for the wounded and families of murdered Israelis The ever-rising death toll in Israel currently stands at …
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Christians for Israel produces Israel & Christians Today, a bi-monthly newspaper distributed internationally - FREE.

Also, in New Zealand, we produce a special insert to accompany the newspaper. It features specialized content for New Zealanders, from Kiwi authors and speakers, New Zealand events, as well as international writers.

Israel & Christians Today proclaims Israel as a sign of hope for the Church, and the return of the Lord.

This publication is written for a primarily Christian audience. It will help readers discover God's promises to the Jewish people and the fulfilment of Bible prophecy.

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Christians for Israel produce Israel & Christians Today, a bi-monthly newspaper distributed internationally - FREE.

Also, in New Zealand, we produce a special insert to accompany the newspaper. It features specialised content for New Zealander's, from Kiwi authors and speakers, New Zealand events, as well as international writers.

Israel & Christians Today proclaims Israel as a sign of hope for the Church, and the return of the Lord.

This publication is written for a primarily Christian audience. It will help readers discover God's promises to the Jewish people and the fulfilment of Bible prophecy.

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Christians for Israel encourages you to pray for Israel. You can do this personally, but also with a group. To help you in your intercession, Christians for Israel distributes a bi-monthly prayer calendar with prayer points. Please fill in the form to subscribe to the C4I Prayer Calendar.

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