
C4I Prayer Calendar October-November available

editor - 30 September 2022

This Prayer Calendar starts a few days after Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), which was celebrated on the 26th – 27th of September. What a privilege to continue in steadfast prayer for God’s people in the new Jewish year. Throughout the years the answers to our prayers have often been clearly visible: Consider the continuing Aliyah, how Israel has remained standing in the face of her enemies, and the gift of optimism despite persistent terrorism. Another answer to prayer is the growing longing for the Lord God and for the coming of the Messiah. Many feel that this is the core of what it means to live in the land of Israel!

But there are also countless dangers that threaten Israel’s continued existence. Antisemitism is increasing and the constant threat of terrorist attacks from both Hamas and Hezbollah persists, influenced by Iran. Besides these, Israel faces the threat of cyber-terror and the anti-Israel sentiment and smear-campaign in the United Nations (UN). A less visible danger is the increasing secularization and the desire to be like every other nation, while the Bible clearly says, “You are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be His people, His treasured possession.” (Deuteronomy 7:6)

It is as though we are looking at a set of scales. On one side is the fulfillment of hundreds of Biblical prophesies, on the other the precarious existence of the Jewish people and the Jewish state. Which way will the scales lean, towards fulfilling or vanishing? We can hold firm to the knowledge that God will certainly finish what He has started. You may know the expression, “God doesn’t promise us a peaceful journey, but He does promise a safe arrival.” We see the truth of this expression in Israel’s faith journey. As intercessors this should not surprise us; after all, we experience the same in our own lives!

So let us look for the coming of the Messiah together with them. That is also when the question of whether Jesus is the Messiah will be answered for the Jewish people. As former mayor of Jerusalem Teddy Kollek said years ago, “When the Messiah comes, the first thing I’m going to ask him is, ‘Have you been here before or is this the first time?’”

The Christians for Israel Prayer Team


The Prayer Team of Christians for Israel International