
Prayer Calendar October – November — Now available

editor - 28 September 2021

“Then the word of the LORD came to me. He said, ‘Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?’ declares the LORD. ‘Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel.’” (Jer. 18:5-6)

Jeremiah received a special message at the potter’s house: Israel is like clay in God’s hands. God shapes Israel as He wills and determines Israel’s path. Yet as becomes clear in this chapter, Israel itself also has a role in this. If the nation repents, God will deliver them from the evil that He had brought over them. (Jer. 18:8) We read about this again several chapters later in Jeremiah 29. Israel has been carried into captivity but God promises that the people of Israel will return to the Promised Land. We see this promise being fulfilled now. This month, give thanks that God holds Israel in His hands and that He is a God of grace and is faithful. Pray for Israel’s protection now that God has brought them back to the Promised Land. Also pray that secular Israeli’s will turn back to God.


The Christians for Israel Prayer Team