Towards the Establishment

Towards the Establishment by Prof Edda Fogarollo

This book retraces the principal events, emotions, efforts, adversities and the protagonists who enabled the Jewish people to become a nation after a diaspora lasting for two hundred years.


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Product description


The prejudice in Europe and the West towards Israel as a state, the Jews as a people, or Judaism as a religion traces its roots back to the dawn of human history and is hard to extinguish. It is based on the denunciation of contents of biblical revelation, on the attribution of objective responsibility in the condemnation of deeds of individuals or communities that adhere to the Jewish faith and on the mystification of history to create a demonising image to the extent of blaming the Jews for all the evils that have befallen mankind. What fuels this prejudice is not only the ignorance of facts and the disingenuous intentions of those who uncritically repeat and spread fables but a real hatred that once led to the forced exodus from the land of those who subsequently witnessed the Catholic Inquisition, pogroms in different parts of the world, the Nazi Holocaust and the explicit threat to destroy the State of Israel with nuclear weapons by Iran and the Ayatollahs.

This book is an important contribution to exposing the reality of the Jewish people, their faith, and the State of Israel. The author is not only a serious scholar and an accredited academic but also a witness who promotes with passion and courage the truth inspired by her faith in Jesus Christ. Edda loves and strongly defends Judaism, the Jews and Israel, which she sees as the basis and source of Christianity and as natural allies in the safeguarding of our Judeo-Christian civilisation from the threats posed by Western relativist secularism and Islamic radicalism.

Prof. Edda Fogarollo is a graduate of the Universities of Padua, Rome, Paris and Yad Vashem Jerusalem. She is a Modern and Contemporary History teacher and President of Christians for Israel Italy.Ā 

Product Type: Book


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