Support Israel

Moshe and his Family

editor - 6 February 2019

The project that Christians for Israel has been very actively supporting from the beginning is the Jaffa Institute which is led by Rabbi David Portowicz. Who is being helped? Firstly, children from disadvantaged families and orphans, and children of parents who are not coping with home life. And secondly, families. Here is an example of one such family.

Moshe is a single father of nine children. The family lives in Kfar Saba in Israel. After the mother abandoned the family, child protection representatives came to tell Moshe that his children would be placed out of the home if he did not take care of them properly. Since the family was so large, it was likely that they would end up in different homes. Moshe quit his job to take care of his children and keep the family together. Moshe lives in social housing and receives a social assistance benefit. However, that is not sufficient to pay for all expenses. Besides the poverty they face, Moshe’s daughter has a genetic disorder that causes her intestines to grow at a different pace compared to the rest of her body. As a consequence, she often needs surgery.

The Jaffa Institute provides this family with a food package every two weeks. Moshe tells us that he put one package away once for an emergency. Weeks later his daughter came home from school. She wanted a fried egg, but there was no oil left and no money to buy new oil. All of a sudden Moshe remembered the package. He opened it and found a bottle of olive oil. He called it ‘the miracle of Hanukkah!’ (With Hanukkah, it is commemorated among other things how the Lord provided for a small jar of oil, which kept the Menorah of the temple burning for eight days.) Every month is a challenge, but Moshe is grateful for all the help his family receives. He hopes that the extra support will help his children to grow, focus on school and in the end become independent adults.

‘Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done.’
Proverbs 19:17

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the Jaffa Institute!

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