• Nastia in her new home in Kibbutz Mashabei Sade in The Promised Land | Photo: JAFI
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The Story of Lyuba Yolkina from Odessa – First Home Update

Valeria - 19 April 2022

Lyuba Yolkina and her 2-year-old daughter Nastia from Odessa fled the war and found a shelter in kibbutz Mashabei Sade. The path to a new life took them more than 2 weeks. Lyuba’s mom and sister have already joined her in the First Home in the Homeland Program.

Lyuba Yolkina and her 2-year-old daughter Nastia from Odessa safely in kibbutz Mashabei Sade | Photo: JAFI

“It was very hard for me to leave my husband in Ukraine, but I saw no other way to survive and save our daughter. When I decided to run away, I was uncertain about our future, but I had a desire to go to Israel. I used to live here in kibbutz Yagur with my parents 18 years ago. Therefore, when we were waiting for our flight from Bucharest, I had emailed to the kibbutz Yagur and received the reply from Elena Kovarsky from JAFI. She calmed me down and promised that everything would be all right. And I believed her.

“It was very hard for me to leave my husband in Ukraine, but I had no other way to survive and save our daughter”

Elena and our coordinator Alena are taking care of us and are always around for us. They accommodated us in kibbutz Mashabei Sade, where Elena lives. We were warmly received in kibbutz Mashabei Sade. Elena helped not only me and my daughter Nastia, but also my mom and sister. And we really appreciate this opportunity to become part of the big family of the First Home in the Homeland!


Some more photos of Lyuba and her daughter Nastia | Photo: JAFI

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Assisting a family in the ā€œFirst Homeā€ program costs ā‚¬ 230 euro / US $ 250 a month.

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