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Bring the Jews Home (Aliyah)

editor - 9 November 2017

“I will bring your children from the east gather you from the west. I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back’. Bring my sons from afar and My daughters from the ends of the earth.”
Isaiah 43 : 5 – 6

About Aliyah

For many years now, Christians for Israel offers assistance to Jews to go to their Homeland Israel. We believe it is our Biblical task to assist the Jewish people with their return to Israel. After 2,000 years, there is finally a country that the Jewish people can call their home. Since the mid 19th century, and especially since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, millions of Jews in the Diaspora have decided to leave their country and make ‘Aliyah’ (literally: ‘going up’). And this return to the land continues to the present day.

The prophets of the Old Testament tell us that the Jews will return to the land from the four corners of the earth, in preparation for the coming of Messiah. We can see these prophecies being fulfilled before our eyes.

Since 1996, Christians for Israel has helped more than 150,000 Jews home to Israel from the Former Soviet Union, Ethiopia, France and India. You can help in this exciting fulfilment of Biblical prophecy!

  • Project Ukraine 

    In Ukraine, Koen Carlier and his team are active in helping the small Jewish communities on behalf of Christians for Israel. They assist Jewish people who want to emigrate to Israel in a very practical way with transportation and arrangement of travel documents. With the current situation in Ukraine, the Jewish people are now listening more than ever to the call to return to Israel – the land of their forefathers.

    Preparation for emigration from Ukraine to Israel is often very complex, costly and time-consuming. Many of the olim (Jews who return to Israel) live far away from the city, without means of transportation. Our Aliyah team drives these olim on several occasions to the Israeli Embassy, consulate and/or Jewish Agency offices, and finally to the airport. This whole process can take several years. When they say farewell at the airport Koen and his team always say: ‘We want to pray with you, that the Lord may plant you and bless you in the land of your forefathers’.

    Costs of transportation and visa assistance (p.p.): € 135 or US $ 160.
    Any amount is welcome!


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  • Project India (Bnei Menashe)

    The Bnei Menashe (sons of Manasseh) claim descent from one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. After wandering for centuries, they settled in what is now northeastern India, along the border with Burma (Myanmar) and Bangladesh. Throughout their sojourn in exile, the Bnei Menashe continued to practice Judaism, including observing the Sabbath, keeping kosher, celebrating the festivals and following the laws of family purity. And they continued to nourish the dream of one day returning to the land of their ancestors, the Land of Israel.

    Christians for Israel is partnering with Shavei Israel, led by Michael Freund, to help the Bnei Menashe home to Israel. In recent years we have assisted some 1,700 Bnei Menashe. Costs to help one person to Israel: € 900 or US $ 1000.


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  • Project France 

    For many Jews in France the decision to go to Israel very difficult. The Jewish Agency For Israel (JAFI) is paying for the airline tickets. However, if they want to go to Israel they have to pay for their luggage. On top of that their belongings have to shipped to Israel by container. But how can you afford that if you do not have enough savings? And how do you sell any of these belongings for a fair price if people know that you are about to move? In cooperation Ebenezer Operation Exodus, Christians for Israel assists the French Jews. We visit the people, listens to their needs and helps them to move. The costs to help one person are € 400 euros or US $ 430. Please support the Aliyah work in France. Any amount is welcome!


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  • Project Integration (First Home in the Homeland)

    First Home in the Homeland provides young families with a warm home on a kibbutz for their first six or twelve months in Israel. Moving to Israel is the fulfilment of a dream. But many new immigrants experience many difficulties on arriving in Israel. Especially young families find it difficult to build a new social network, and in many cases become isolated because they do not speak the Hebrew language very well.For this group the Jewish agency established the First Homeland programme in 1989. Immigrants from all over the world participate in this programme. The project is a cooperation between the Ministry of Immigration, local authorities and Kibbutzim in many parts of the country.

    The Jewish Agency will carefully match olim (immigrants to Israel) with one of the 44 participating Kibbutzim in the Negev and the Galilee. For the first six months, the olim will study in Ulpan (school for the intensive study of Hebrew) either three or five mornings weekly, while their children attend schools on the kibbutz or nearby.

    After completing Ulpan, they will have the option to extend their stay another half-year; most olim use that time to find employment in the area, continue in advanced Ulpan, or join vocational courses.

    Christians for Israel supports the First Home in the Homeland programme. Costs to assist a family for one month in the First Home in the Homeland programme: € 230 or US $ 250.


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