• - Gathering the Jewish elderly for a joint luncheon creates lasting memories. | Photos: C4I
Support Ukraine

Being a queen for a day: When God touches Jewish hearts in Ukraine

Anemone Rüger - 13 August 2024

As the war in Ukraine has well proceeded into its third year, our Christians for Israel (C4I) staff continues to visit Holocaust survivors and needy Jewish elderly. It’s the loneliness that hurts even more than the daily struggle for survival. That’s why our team also organizes events wherever possible, inviting Jewish community members for a special luncheon and some happy tunes – creating memories they will never forget.

“Ikh hob dikh tsufil lib“ (”I love you so much”) – this famous Yiddish song recently played in Ukrainian Chernivtsi captures the essence of an unforgettable get-together with people from the sponsorship program supported by C4I .

There is something about climbing up to the monotone Soviet apartments, or descending into many a converted storage room and bringing the comfort and love of God to people’s homes. But there is also something about inviting those residents to a social gathering in a hotel restaurant, where they enter via a red carpet – worn, but stylish.

Everyone’s eyes light up as we address them by name. Here comes Cilia, whose family has been bereaved of all the men up to her granddaughter’s generation. Leonid, who at 85 looks after his mentally impaired son, all dressed up today. Bluma with the most Jewish dark eyes, wearing bright pink lipstick for the occasion. Inna and Alexander, a picture-book Jewish couple from the old intelligentsia, who have a magnificent Austrian tiled stove from the good old times in their living room. Bella, whose primitive apartment on a slope can only be reached via a kind of chicken ladder, and who is a queen today.

I read a small greeting card a good friend printed for everyone:

But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, you descendants of Abraham my friend – Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41: 8-10

While the food is being served and Larissa from the Jewish community provides the musical backdrop, we spontaneously decide to offer a photo session to everyone. We will bring the photos with us on our next visit, and they will find their place in the Soviet display cabinets, reminding their owners of a piece of happiness in the middle of the war.

You can support first- or second- generation Holocaust survivors in Ukraine and Moldova through Christians for Israel. Our workers on the ground make sure that the help arrives and that the message of love is conveyed during personal visits.

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