
Livestream w/ Mendel Cohen, Rabbi of Mariupol

editor - 25 July 2022

In this interview, we take you to Mariupol in Ukraine. The city that was besieged by the Russians for months. We speak with Rabbi Mendel Cohen, the rabbi of Mariupol, who did everything he could to save the people from his community from the besieged city. His life’s work lies in ruins. And what remains are tears and the pain.

Ruben Ridderhof speaks with Mendel Cohen whose community has been supported by Christians for Israel since 2015. We look back to 2019 and 2021, when a camera team from Christians for Israel visited his community in Mariupol. The Jewish community of more than 1,500 members is now scattered. Some are missing, others died, others fled to Israel and a few people stayed behind. Rabbi Cohen shares the heartbreaking story of the Jewish community in Mariupol, and explains how God helped them in that deep darkness. Also present is Rabbi Jacobs at whose invitation Rabbi Cohen visited the headquarters of C4I in the Netherlands.